Friday, March 27

High-Five Friday!

Science:  Journal Writing Due Next Friday 4/3/2020 @ 9 am. Directions to follow on how to submit your writing to me. 

Be sure to read your instructions several times before you begin your task. 

1. Have your Science notebook read and open to the next available page.
2. Learning Target: I will complete a Journal Write using the Writing in Science Checklist.
3. Use the Google Search box and type: all about emojis science world
4.Click the first entry
5.Scroll to watch the video about the history of emojis
6. Complete the prompt below:
Which emojis do you think are missing? It's your turn to come up with an idea for a new emoji—sketch a design in your notebook, and write a short paragraph describing it.
What does it look like?
What category is it in?
How do you think people will use it when they're sending a text?

Need Help?
Use the sentence prompt below to help with your writing:
The next emoji that I would like design would be______________________.  Also, my new emoji idea would look like_____________________ and have_______________. In addition, it would be in the category of____________________.  Finally, I think people will use it when_______________________________.

Have a question? Want to say hi? Ms. Pallas will be on Zoom 9:30-10. ID 793-353-5107 (drop by office hours)

NewsELA tasks that were submitted on time were graded. Some of you were given the opportunity to revise you work. All revisions due by 9am tomorrow.
** Those of you who only did the multiple choice, you lost 2 points on your grade. Please read all directions, please follow all promptsThis was written on yesterday's post AND this is the structure from our weekly homework.

ALL students : Complete a Quizizz for central idea. You have until 9am on Monday. (This will be counting as an assessment!) Go to - when you login with your username/password (created Monday!) the task will be waiting.

Didn't create a username for Quizizz? Follow this link to join our class:

If you need help or reminder on theme, check-out our reteach lesson: theme reteach 

- Khan Academy: new assignment
*** All work from this week sent on Khan Academy and IXL must be completed today, March 27th. Assignments will be given a grade today.

Math AIS with Mr. Fortunat (914)338-8287
Join a Zoom session at 11:00 AM by clicking on this link:

Meeting ID or code: 947 342 1875

Assignment is posted on Google Classroom.
Create Google Classroom Account by doing the following:

     *step1) Get your account ID and Password from the DOE by clicking on this link:
     *step2) Go to
     *step3) Enter your DOE student account email (from step 1)
     *step4) Enter your password and sign in
     *step5) Click on Google Classroom

607 Students join with the code: hkuaku3

610 Students join with the code: ay76hkg

If you could not create a Google Classroom account click on this link for the assignment.

Do Task: Band Fundraiser  Due by Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Any difficulties? Let me know (914)338-8287

HW due today - was posted in PupilPath (see yesterday's announcements)

Social Studies
Classes 607; 607 and 610
A Social Studies Project has been posted on Lightsail, begins March 27; Due April 8th. Use the URL
Username is first name.last name, all lower case e.g sandra.amede
Temporary Password: lightsail2020.
You will then be prompted to enter a password.
Please enter a password you will remember.
If you log on today, go to the library and choose and read books on Ancient Egypt, and Ancient Mesopotamia.
The Assignment begins March 27th. You will not be able to access the assignment today.
Try logging into Lightsail today. If you have challenges here is a number to contact me, between 8:00am and 9:00am and 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm,  (63)15173650.

Chorus: Melody and Harmony
Today is the day, all work is due on PupilPath!

Theater: Costume Design

Happy Friday Theater Tribes! Assignments are due today. If you are having difficulty downloading the assignment from Pupil Path or uploading them back to me, you can email the completed assignment to me at

Enjoy the weekend! 

Health:  606,607: Continued   
Many Students are still Missing!!All Work is Due Today!!

Learning Objective-  Students will be able to identify Coronavirus and different ways of keeping their body healthy from the virus
            1.Students will create an edpuzzle account (using the link below)
            2. Link for 606-
            3. Link for 607-
            4. Please be sure your display name includes (First, Last Name)
            5. watch short video and answers questions based on Coronavirus 

**Contact me at with any and all questions.**

Mini Choreographic assignment due today Fri. 3/27

  • Click the link below and read the contents of the page. Watch the video and complete the "On your own" activity at the bottom of the page. Submit to
  • Example of notation of song structure.
  • Clink the link below and practice for test next Friday on choreographic devices and canon.
If you do not understand something or need assistance please email me at

Art Literacy 605 & 607

Ven Diagram Assignment due today Fri. 3/27. Email me to submit work or with any questions.

Mindfulness Exercise from Ms. Adams

The Five Senses Activity

Objective: The goal of this exercise is to practice being aware in the present moment throughout the day. 

    It is simply a guide to help you focus on the five senses

5.) Notice five things that you can see. 

Search around and bring your attention to five things you might not normally notice. Choose something you wouldn’t ordinarily pay attention to, like a clock or coat rack.

4.) Notice four things that you can feel. 
Bring your awareness to four things you are currently feeling, like different textures or objects nearby.

3.) Notice three things that you can hear. 
Try to tune in to the sounds of your surroundings. What can you hear in the background? 

2.) Notice two things that you can smell. 
Tune your senses into smells you might usually gloss over, whether they’re pleasant or unpleasant. 

1.)  Notice one thing that you can taste. 

Focus on one thing you can taste right now, in this moment.  Think about the last thing you ate.