Thursday, March 26
Feel Good Post: Look at these cute penguins on a field trip at the zoo! 😊
English Language Arts
NewsELA task due by 2pm today: "Prometheus and Pandora's Box" and answer the related questions (this was assigned yesterday!). (This means multiple choice & short response!)
If you did not create your account Monday:
Please watch this video for some reminders:
Be sure to read your instructions several times before you begin your task.
You should have part two worksheets complete by now and started part three vocabulary. All assignments are DUE FRIDAY
Physical Education 606
Reminder- Students refer to pupilpath to complete the assignment that was posted on Tuesday 3/24/20, if you have not done so already.
Art Literacy
Topic: 606 Art Literacy
Time: Mar 26, 2020 01:00 - 1:40 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 936 493 0440
Password: 606music
Feel Good Post: Look at these cute penguins on a field trip at the zoo! 😊
Meet With Your Teachers
In the schedule below you'll find the time you can reach out to and/or meet with your teacher. We are available on Remind or email, but we'll also have some face-to-face Zooms throughout the week (but we'll let you know ahead of time so you can plan which days you'll need to log-on).
English Language Arts
NewsELA task due by 2pm today: "Prometheus and Pandora's Box" and answer the related questions (this was assigned yesterday!). (This means multiple choice & short response!)
If you did not create your account Monday:
- Class Code ZRRAQQ
Please watch this video for some reminders:
- Khan Academy - new assignment
- IXL from yesterday needs to be complete
- 606/607: 10am - 10:25am
- 610: 10:30 - 11am
- Zoom ID: 298-698-0850
Continue to work on your Amplify Science assignment from yesterday. It is due by tomorrow at 9 am.
Continue to work on your Amplify Science assignment from yesterday. It is due by tomorrow at 9 am.
Be sure to read your instructions several times before you begin your task.
1. Have your Science notebook ready and open to the next available page.
2. Learning Target: I will practice using the term equilibrium by determining whether three systems are at equilibrium or not at equilibrium.
3. Login to Amplify, then Thermal Energy-Chapt. 2- Lesson 2.5, last, 1 Warm-UP.
4. Complete each part of the Warm-Up then, click Hand In.
Need Help?
Resources: Sample A &B (drag answer to the empty box) Sample C &D (determine if equilibrium is shown and drag answer to empty box) Sample E & F ( calculate the average of each sample ) then determine if equilibrium is shown.
Calculate an Average: Math Help: How to calculate an average
Equilibrium: a balanced state at which a system is stable, when two or more samples are at the same temperature.
Chorus: Melody and HarmonyYou should have part two worksheets complete by now and started part three vocabulary. All assignments are DUE FRIDAY
Physical Education 606
Reminder- Students refer to pupilpath to complete the assignment that was posted on Tuesday 3/24/20, if you have not done so already.
Topic: 606 Art Literacy
Time: Mar 26, 2020 01:00 - 1:40 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 936 493 0440
Password: 606music
Art Literacy- Dance
Zoom Meeting Today!
Assata Barton is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Art Literacy 605 & 607
Time: Mar 26, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 312 599 247
Password: 601558
605 1:00- 1:40 pm
607 1:40- 2:20 pm
Please join the meeting at your classes designated time!
Mini Choreographic assignment is due tomorrow, Friday, March 27th.
I have been receiving assignments. Continue to turn them in
via Pupil Path or directly to my email
Sample notation of song structure: