Thursday, March 26

Thursday, March 26

Feel Good Post: Look at these cute penguins on a field trip at the zoo! 😊

Meet With Your Teachers
In the schedule below you'll find the time you can reach out to and/or meet with your teacher. We are available on Remind or email, but we'll also have some face-to-face Zooms throughout the week (but we'll let you know ahead of time so you can plan which days you'll need to log-on).

English Language Arts

NewsELA task due by 2pm today: "Prometheus and Pandora's Box" and answer the related questions (this was assigned yesterday!). (This means multiple choice & short response!) 

If you did not create your account Monday:
  • Class Code ZRRAQQ
Remember: We are focusing on the R/A in our writing - be sure you ANSWER the task question in your claim statement.

Please watch this video for some reminders: 

  • Khan Academy - new assignment
  • IXL from yesterday needs to be complete
Ms. Soya will be on Zoom for students that hare having difficulty with their math assignments:
  • 606/607: 10am - 10:25am
  • 610: 10:30 - 11am
  • Zoom ID: 298-698-0850
Continue to work on your Amplify Science assignment from yesterday.  It is due by tomorrow at 9 am. 

Be sure to read your instructions several times before you begin your task. 
 1. Have your Science notebook ready and open to the next available page. 
 2. Learning Target: I will practice using the term equilibrium by determining whether three systems are at equilibrium or not at equilibrium. 
 3.  Login to Amplify, then Thermal Energy-Chapt. 2- Lesson 2.5,  last, 1 Warm-UP.
 4. Complete each part of the Warm-Up then, click Hand In. 

Need Help? 
Resources: Sample A &B (drag answer to the empty box) Sample C &D (determine if equilibrium is shown and drag answer to empty  box) Sample E & F ( calculate the average of each sample ) then determine if equilibrium is shown. 

Equilibrium: a balanced state at which a system is stable, when two or more samples are at the same temperature.

Chorus: Melody and Harmony

You should have part two worksheets complete by now and started part three vocabulary. All assignments are DUE FRIDAY  

Physical Education 606
Reminder- Students refer to pupilpath to complete the assignment that was posted on Tuesday 3/24/20, if you have not done so already.

Art Literacy

Topic: 606 Art Literacy
Time: Mar 26, 2020 01:00 - 1:40 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 936 493 0440
Password: 606music

Art Literacy- Dance

Zoom Meeting Today!
Assata Barton is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Art Literacy 605 & 607
Time: Mar 26, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 312 599 247

Password: 601558

605 1:00- 1:40 pm
607 1:40- 2:20 pm
Please join the meeting at your classes designated time!



Mini Choreographic assignment is due tomorrow, Friday, March 27th.

I have been receiving assignments. Continue to turn them in via Pupil Path or directly to my email

Sample notation of song structure: