Happy Monday!
Get ready ... this is a week of virtual field trips! 🧳🎫🛩
Attendance Reminders:
- You must complete this form each day
- You must type your full name (we have a couple kids still trying to use funny names or leaving the name slot blank. If your name is not there, we have to mark you as "absent.)
- Submit the form only once - we do not need you filling it our three or four times
For today's attendance, you are going to engage with one of the following trips, and answer the questions in the Google form below. Be sure to click "submit."
** Completing the form will also earn you credit for your classes! **
Field Trip A: Explore NY 🥨🍎
Statue of Liberty https://www.nps.gov/stli/learn/photosmultimedia/virtualtour.htm and Ellis Island https://www.nps.gov/hdp/exhibits/ellis/Ellis_Index.html
Field Trip B: the Grand Canyon
Field Trip C: Explore Mars 🪐
ELA Extra Credit Competition
April is POETRY MONTH – and we will be starting our poetry unit next week. To start us off, Ms. Streibel is hosting a poetry competition & we were invited to participate!
What do I have to do?
Write an original poem – it can be on any topic, in any form. This is your chance to be creative!
How do I submit it?
E-Mail the poem to Ms. Pallas (cpallas@schools.nyc.gov) by April 17 (Friday).
What do I get for this?
In addition to the chance of WINNING for the 6th grade, anyone who enters an original poem will get extra credit for Ms. Pallas.
Math w/ Ms. Soya
Assignments are waiting for you on Khan Academy
Reminder Physical Education and Health- Ms. Thompson-
Due Today @ 11:59pm
1) 3physical education and health 1assignment on Edpuzzle for the week.
** Health only applies to classes 606 & 607**
2) For class codes please see previous Blogs, Remind, Skedula, or class Dojo post.
3) Be sure you're checking comments especially for those students who leave questions blank or an IDK response.
How well do you know yourself?
Students will:
• Express positive feelings about themselves; build self-esteem
• Strengthen their own identity
• Appreciate positive traits in others.
• Identify personality traits that makes them special.
Scholastic Activity - Saved by Selfies
Scholastic Activity - Saved by Selfies
Students will learn about the effects of selfies on wildlife. Are they helping or hurting the wildlife?