Happy Monday, Kids!
** Be sure to scroll ALL the way down to see ALL tasks!
** Be sure to scroll ALL the way down to see ALL tasks!
Weekly Check-In
Answer the following questions. Make sure your NAME is on it, or you won't earn your participation points.
ELA w/ Ms. Pallas
This week, you are writing your myth. All directions (& the document itself!) are on PupilPath. We spent time troubleshooting this weekend, so please try accessing your student account in PupilPath today. If you have any issues, let me know & we will figure out an alternate plan. You can access/complete this document on a cell phone, tablet, or laptop.
** Your myth is due Wednesday, April 8th by 2pm **
Please watch this video for how to find the document in PupilPath:
Science w/Ms. S. Mitchell:
1. Please have your Science notebook ready and open to the next available page.
2. We will begin a new topic today in Amplify Science
3. Exit Tickets are due by Weds. 4/8/2020 @ 9am.
Storms in Galetown” Video
Social Studies w/ Ms. Amede'
Good Morning Classes 606, 607,610!
Use the "Author a Book" tab on your Lightsail dashboard to work on your Ancient Egypt Social Studies project.
Remember to submit for Review the work you've done so far. This will give me the opportunity to guide and support you.
We can no longer use Zoom platform to have meetings. You will receive the new platform for meetings.
Do not hesitate to contact me at (631) 517 3650. Office hours 11:00 am to 12:00 noon. And 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm.
Ms. Amede'
Phys Ed & Health 606/607/610
Physical Education- Ms. Thompson- Due Friday @ 11:59pm
Learning Objectives:
1.Students will be able to identify their own resting, target, and max Heart Rate.
2.Students will be able to find their own target heart rate range after performing a 35 min workout at home.
Once your start the workout you must complete it
· You can take breaks but can’t finish later once started
1) Login your Edpuzzle account (class codes below)
o 606-dewugwe
o 607-weutuav
o 610-itlefem
- Watch pulse video and Complete Both Physical Education Assignments
- Please make sure you use only 1 account and are in the correct class
- Remember don’t cheat yourself!!
Health-Ms. Thompson- Due Friday @ 11:59pm
Learning Objective- Continue to focus on ways of protecting ourselves from Coronavirus. Students will be able to identify what social distancing is and how it affects our mental health ?
1)Login your Eduzzle account (class codes below)
2) Watch video and answer questions (read questions carefully)
3) Please make sure use have only 1 account and are in the correct class
**Contact me at BThompson14@schools.nyc.gov with any and all questions.**
Happy Monday! I hope you all had a restful weekend!
- Please send in all incomplete work.
Email completed assignments to Ms. Liddell at aliddell@schools.nyc.gov
606 Art Literacy
Students, if you are missing work, please submit it via pupil path or my email address, BBartion@schools.nyc.gov for a grade. Today is the last day to submit any incomplete work.
Students, if you are missing work, please submit it via pupil path or my email address, BBartion@schools.nyc.gov for a grade. Today is the last day to submit any incomplete work.
Greetings Students,
The marking period ended on Friday. Please submit all outstanding assignments. I will not be able to accept anything past today. Please see below for a list of all of the assignments that need to be turned in by 11:59 pm today, Monday, April 6th. If you should have any questions please contact me! Abartonrichardson@schools.nyc.gov 732-654-2324
Mini choreographic project
Mini choreographic project part II
Dane Test!
* The blog links may not be specific to your class but the assignment is the same! Please scroll until you see the assignments under dance.
Art Literacy
The marking period ended on Friday. Please submit all outstanding assignments. I will not be able to accept anything past today. Please see below for a list of all of the assignments that need to be turned in by 11:59 pm today, Monday, April 6th. If you should have any questions please contact me! Abartonrichardson@schools.nyc.gov 732-654-2324
Venn diagram
KWL Chart plus response questions
* The blog links may not be specific to your class but the assignment is the same! Please scroll until you see the assignments under Art Literacy.
Mindfulness w/ Ms. Adams
Title: Peer Pressure
Assignment instructions: Watch the video and then click on the worksheet tab, located on the right-hand side of the video. Once you have completed the worksheet, test your vocabulary skills by clicking on the vocabulary tab. Good luck, you can do it!