Hello & Happy Tuesday!
Daily Attendance: We have new protocols for attendance. To have your attendance completed, you must complete this Google form each day.
- Type in your name
- Choose your official class
- Answer the attendance question
You are continuing with your myth story. This is due Wednesday @ 2pm. I am giving feedback on the Google docs - be sure you're going back in today & tomorrow to make sure your story is the best it can be.
- Students, you must be signed into YOUR STUDENT PupilPath account - this won't work under your parents. (See yesterday's blog for a how-to video if you need help.)
- Everything you write in this Google doc is automatically saved & we share it - you don't need to send anything.
- Yes, you should go back in, read the feedback, and edit!
Social Studies w/ Ms. Amede'
Good Morning!
Most of you have been working on your Social Studies project on the Geography of Ancient Egypt and submitted them for Review.
Continue working on your Geography of Ancient Egypt projects.
For those of you who submitted your projects for review, please work on the revisions I have suggested.
Please note: You do not have to complete the entire project, you can submit for Review what you have done so far, that way I can guide and support you.
Feel free to contact me (631) 517 3650.
I notice that some students are summarizing the Texts on Ancient Egyptian Civilization.
The project guidelines are clear Create a Book on the Geography of Ancient Egypt.
Use the Five Themes of Geography; Location; Place;
Movement; Human Environment Interactions; and Regions.
Science w/ S. Mitchell: smitche6@schools.nyc.gov
Continue with your assignment from yesterday.
Continue with your assignment from yesterday.
1. Please have your Science notebook ready and open to the next available page.
2. We will begin a new unit/topic today in Amplify Science.
3. Exit Tickets are due by Weds. 4/8/2020 @ 9am.
Video now w/Voice! Check it out!
“Big Storms in Galetown” Video
Phys Ed & Health w/ Ms. Thompson
Physical Education- Ms. Thompson- Due Friday @ 11:59pm
Learning Objectives:
- Students will be able to identify their own resting, target, and max Heart Rate.
- Students will be able to find their own target heart rate range afterperforming a 35 min workout at home.
Once your start the workout you must complete it
· You can take breaks but can’t finish later once started
1) Login your Edpuzzle account (class codes below)
o 606-dewugwe
o 607-weutuav
o 610-itlefem
4) Watch pulse video and Complete Both Physical Education Assignments
5) Please make sure you use only 1 account and are in the correct class
6) Remember don’t cheat yourself!!
Health-Ms. Thompson- Due Friday @ 11:59pm
Learning Objective- Continue to focus on ways of protecting ourselves from Coronavirus. Students will be able to identify what social distancing is and how it affects our mental health ?
1)Login your Eduzzle account (class codes below)
o 606-dewugwe
o 607-weutuav
2) Watch video and answer questions (read questions carefully)
3) Please make sure use have only 1 account and are in the correct class
**Contact me at BThompson14@schools.nyc.gov with any and all questions.**
What is synesthesia? What is musicality?
What stood out for you?
What do you wonder?
Submit responses to abartonrichardson@schools.nyc.gov
Learning Target: Students will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of 4 choral performances in the following areas: harmony, diction/clarity of words, expression, stage presence, and uniformity.
Submit Observations to bbartion@schools.nyc.gov
Kanye West’s Sunday Service: 26:28-28:30 or 28:30 – 34:30
David Byrne & The Brooklyn Youth Chorus – “One Fine Day”
“Say Something” – Stellenbosch University Choir
“ Don’t Give Up On Me” Andy Grammer and P.S. 22 Choir
View each recording and evaluate the choir’s strengths and weaknesses in each of the following areas.
1 1. Harmony: Does the choir sing with clean and distinct harmonies? Explain.
2 2. Diction and Clarity of words: Could you clearly hear and understand every word the choir sung? Explain.
3 3.Expression: Close your eyes and listen to the song. Can you tell the mood of the song just by hearing the expression of their voices? Does their expression match the text? Explain.
4 4. Stage Presence: Was their stage presence attention grabbing? Were they living in the moment and using their full body to sing and express the music? Explain.
5 5. Uniformity: Was there a costume? Were there variations, a theme, or did everyone have on the same thing? Explain.
Build a Tradition
Though most family traditions evolve over time, take this opportunity to build a brand new one. Choose a comfortable time for everyone to gather, such as breakfast, dinner or between favorite TV shows. Share the ‘building blocks’ for creating a new family tradition listed below. Discuss all the possibilities for Who? What? When? Where? and How? Circle the best ‘building blocks’ to help build your new family tradition (circle as many as apply). Is it just that easy? Try it and see!
“Build a Tradition” using the following building blocks:
Immediate Family
Extended Family
Special Meal
Once a week
Once a month
Once a year
A destination
As a group
Keep photos
Keep videos
Name your new tradition and have fun!
1.) How did this activity make everyone feel more connected?
2.) What qualities or values are important to your family?
3.) Which qualities and values are important in friendships?