Happy Thursday, Kids!
Feeling stressed? Follow this gif for some deep breathing!
"It works!" - Ms. Pallas
ELA w/ Ms. Pallas
- Continue of "Create your own god(dess)" task in PupilPath. Due Friday! (I am confused as to why so many kids have not started this assignment...!)
Students, please follow the directions & complete in PupilPath.
If you cannot access the file, email me.
- Want some help? Want some feedback? Want to say "hi"?
- Zoom office hours with Ms. Pallas @ 9:30, bring your questions!
- Tomorrow, we'll have a Zoom show-and-tell for all the students who want to share their character snapshots (I am SO excited for these stories!)
Strong, vibrant characters may drive a good story, but the engine behind any great story is CONFLICT. It’s simply not enough for a writer to describe a character. In order for a story to leap off the page, its characters must face tough challenges. In fiction, conflict comes in many shapes and sizes. In fact, one of the best ways to show what your characters are made of is to place them in difficult situations (::ahem:: character traits ::ahem::).
- Characters v. Characters: One of the most effective ways to create conflict is to create characters with opposing goals. In these stories, characters must use everything in their arsenals to get what they want from each other.
- Characters v. The World: When the character has to struggle against external events or circumstances (ie. all of our amazing healthcare workers who are fighting the Coronavirus!).
- Characters v. Nature: When the character struggles against, you guessed it, nature! This can be a blizzard, a tsunami, forest fires, etc.
- Characters v. Themselves: Sometimes a character can be his/her own worst enemy.
Science w/ Ms. S. Mitchell:
A. Journal Write: Emoji due Friday @ 9am. Submit picture of notebook page + drawing with your NAME and CLASS to smitche6@schools.nyc.gov.
Physical Education: 606/607/610 (Due FRIDAY)-Ms. Thompson
1.Complete Edpuzzle Assignments (class codes below)
vClass: 606 – dewugwe
vClass: 607-weutuav
vClass: 610-itlefem
Health: 606/607 (Due FRIDAY)-Ms. Thompson
1.Complete Monday’s Edpuzzle Assignment
vClass: 606- dewugwe
vClass: 607-weutuav
Spanish:(606, 607, 610)- Maestra Triana
Estimadas estudiantes,
To be completed by tomorrow!
If you having difficulties completing your assignments on Pupil Path,because you have no Microsoft Word access, send it to:
striana@schools.nyc.gov or to my phone:(732) 654-2576
Marking period ends tomorrow.Please complete all assignments on Study.com and any assignments on Pupil Path. Many students have yet to register...This will affect your grade. Again the codes are as follows:
Class 606: copper-zebra-5796
Class 607: violet-seal-0488
Class 610: red-cow-6372
At: Study.com
Theater Tribes...
- Many of you have not completed this week's assignment. It is due tomorrow.
- If you have completed an assignment via PupilPath and received a 0, resend the completed assignment to aliddell@schools.nyc.gov.
Shout out to Milana Marcelin from Class 610!
This week's assignment was to create a costume rendering for one of the characters from The Lion King. Check out Milana's renderings of a Hyena and Nala:
Excellent job, Milana!
- Last day of the marking period is tomorrow! Send in all completed assignments to receive a grade.
- If you have any questions, contact me via email or call today between 12pm and 2pm at 347-580-7453.
Choreographic mini project part II
- Choreograph movement phrases to part A & B of your selected song.
- Consider use of space- Elements of Dance: SPACE Table https://1drv.ms/w/s!Av5Lcth_nTuHhmG1_WGNS0quv5Yh
- See some examples below of the different ways dancers use space in solo dance work.
Alvin Ailey- I wanna Be Ready at minute 17:55- 20:22
Forces of Nature Dance Theatre- E.R.
Camille A. Brown- Ink Solo
Akosua Akoto- Joey B. Beginning
- Consider these questions and the Elements of Dance SPACE Table linked above.
What levels are being used?
Where is your focus?
What size are your movements?
Where in space are you traveling?
- Record and submit video to abartonrichardson@schools.nyc.gov
Due Friday, April 3, 2020
Please email me with any questions @abartonrichardson@schools.nyc.gov
Click the link below to view the video we watched in class breaking down of the five types of canon.
Dance Examples of Canon!
Click the links below to view brief clips of Canadian choreographer Crystal Pite with her piece The seasons canon ballet. Notice the canon present in her dance and the level of interest it adds to her
Click the link below to use a study set on Quizlet. Quizlet is a tool that helps you study any subject. The study set is called Choreographic Device- Canon. It contains 8 terms. You will be tested on this next week!
Test on canon and
choreographic structures Friday!
Review Review Review. Quizlet link at bottom.
Click the link below to view the video we watched in class breaking down of the five types of canon.
Dance Examples of Canon!
Click the links below to view brief clips of Canadian choreographer Crystal Pite with her piece The seasons canon ballet. Notice the canon present in her dance and the level of interest it adds to her
Study and Test!
Click the link below to use a study set on Quizlet. Quizlet is a tool that helps you study any subject. The study set is called Choreographic Device- Canon. It contains 8 terms. You will be tested on this next week!
Please contact me with any questions abartonrichardson@schools.nyc.gov
If you haven't already, start recording your 2-part harmony using the App START TODAY!
If you are a bit confused about which app you should use, below you will find images of the apps for your respective phones types.
Reminder: All work is due tomorrow, the last day of the marking period.
If you received a 0 on any work you've submitted please resubmit to bbartion@schools.nyc.gov.
I look forward to seeing where your creativity takes you!
Ms. Barton is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Art Literacy Assignment Questions
Time: Apr 2, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 936 493 0440
Password: Sing
Art Literacy
Assata Barton is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Art Literacy 605/ 607
607 Join at 1:45- 2:00 pm
Time: Apr 2, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 749 221 910
Password: 463245
Mindfulness with Ms. Adams
An affirmation is a short, simple statement. Using affirmations daily has been proven to increase positive thinking rather than negative. In other words, you take control of your way of thinking.
Here are a few examples:
1. I breathe in relaxation; I breathe out tension.
2. I am capable of solving any problems that face me.
3. I am ridding my mind of negative thoughts and filling it with positive ones.
4. I am more and more calm with each deep breath I take.
5. I am attracting positive energy into my body.
6. I have the ability to overcome anxiety.
7. My mind is clearing, and I am in control.
8. I am freeing myself from stress.
9. I am relaxing each part of my body.
10. I am more and more calm with each deep breath I take.
Take one or two of these affirmations or make up some of your own and say them to yourself regularly through the day. Pin them up somewhere that you can see them throughout your day.
Being positive and using affirmative statements can change your life dramatically in a great way. Like most things, it will get easier each time you do it.