Yay, it's Thursday! It’s “College Readiness” day!
Attendance Check-In
To submit your attendance, you must complete the following College Readiness Activity
- Follow this link to take an interactive tour: https://www.youvisit.com/ & click “Students & Parents” (you search by location, type in the name of a college you know, or scroll down & choose the one you think looks fun!)
- Choose a college or university you’d like to explore
- Answer the questions in the Google form below
**** You must complete this chart (name, class, questions) & click “submit”
Students, there was an issue with Remind & the “kids” class has (at least temporarily) disappeared. If you were on Remind, please join using this class code: @7agb26
** for those using the app, click the 3 lines on the left side and click “Join a class”
ELA Extra Credit Flip Grids - Present Your Myth!
These stories are amazing and I want you to show them off! You are going to read aloud your story, and we (your classmates, your teachers) are going to watch & listen. Students who share & record a video will get extra credit for marking period 4. Remember, this is a safe space and it's a chance to show off your creative talents. I would LOVE for EVERYONE to participate!
On a Computer:
On a Computer:
- Click this link to FlipGrid (you can also download the free app): https://flipgrid.com/749ddc76
- Password: Pallas61
- Click the big, huge, neon green "plus"
- Click "login with Google" - you can login with your email address or with a parent email (don't worry - your email address stays hidden, and you'll type in your display name)
- Follow directions & start recording
- Open the app
- Flip Code: 749ddc76
- Password: Pallas61
- Click the big, huge, neon green "plus"
- Click "login with Google" - you can login with your email address, or with a parent email (don't worry - your email address stays hidden, and you'll type in your display name)
- Follow directions & start recording
Physical Education and Health- Ms. Thompson-
1) Assignments Due today @ 11:59 pm:
· Health: Coronavirus and Protecting Our bodies: Handwashing
· Physical Education: 20 min workout and A healthy Heart Rate
2) Continue completing 3physical education and health 1 assignment on
Edpuzzle for the week. - Due Monday @ 11:59pm
** Health only applies to classes 606 & 607**
3) For class codes please see previous Blogs, Remind, Skedula, or class Dojo post.
Mindfulness w/ Ms. Adams
Learn a new language
Learn magic tricks
· Replicate famous art
· Paint or draw a self-portrait
· Draw cartoons or comic strips
· Publish a newspaper or magazine
· Write or draw a letter or an email to a penpal or relative
· Video chat with a friend
· Make friendship bracelets
· Do a puzzle
· Solve a crossword or Sudoku puzzle
· Play Solitaire
· Journal
· Write and illustrate a short story
· Write a play
· Write and direct a short film
· Write a song or a poem
606 Art Literacy
Take a break from writing and sing a little song. Perform a song from your artist/group and send it in. Be sure to smile!
Due Monday, April 13th @11:59 PM
Submit to bbartion@schools.nyc.gov
Subject line: Chorus Evaluations
This week we listening to and observing the performances of four different choirs. I look forward to reviewing your responses and remember, for the expression question your responses should be based on what you heard only NOT what you saw.
Due Friday, April 10th @11:59 PMSubmit to bbartion@schools.nyc.gov
Subject line: Chorus Evaluations