Hey kids, happy Wednesday!
Daily Attendance: We have new protocols for attendance. To have your attendance completed, you must complete this Google form each day.
- Type in your name (first & last)
- Choose your official class
- Answer the attendance question
- Complete ONLY ONE TIME
ELA w/ Ms. Pallas
I am very excited to read all of these stories. Your original myths are due today by 2pm. Stories must be submitted through PupilPath. (There’s nothing to share - anything you type in this doc is automatically shared with me!)
If your story is already graded, you can move onto the "presentation" - creating your FlipGrid! You are going to read aloud your story, and we (your classmates, your teachers) are going to watch & listen. Students who share & record a video will get extra credit for marking period 4. Remember, this is a safe space and it's a chance to show off your creative talents. I would LOVE for EVERYONE to participate!
On a Computer:
If your story is already graded, you can move onto the "presentation" - creating your FlipGrid! You are going to read aloud your story, and we (your classmates, your teachers) are going to watch & listen. Students who share & record a video will get extra credit for marking period 4. Remember, this is a safe space and it's a chance to show off your creative talents. I would LOVE for EVERYONE to participate!
On a Computer:
- Click this link to FlipGrid (you can also download the free app): https://flipgrid.com/749ddc76
- Password: Pallas61
- Click the big, huge, neon green "plus"
- Click "login with Google" - you can login with your email address, or with a parent email (don't worry - your email address stays hidden, and you'll type in your display name)
- Follow directions & start recording
- Open the app
- Flip Code: 749ddc76
- Password: Pallas61
- Click the big, huge, neon green "plus"
- Click "login with Google" - you can login with your email address, or with a parent email (don't worry - your email address stays hidden, and you'll type in your display name)
- Follow directions & start recording
Gr.6 Skill DD. Weather and climate/Weather and climate around the world and Weather or climate? Cite text
Social Studies w/ Ms. Amede’
Login to Lightsail. Select books on Ancient Egypt to work on your Social Studies Project: The Geography of Ancient Egypt.
Organize your project into chapters using the five themes of Geography, and Technology.
Remember to submit your work for review, so I can provide feedback to better support you.
Combine the facts with strong voice and opinion.
You can reach out to Ms. Amede' at (631)517 3650.
Have a great day!
Physical Education and Health- Ms. Thompson- Due Friday @ 11:59pm
1) Continue completing 3physical education and health 1assignment on Edpuzzle for the week.
** Health only applies to classes 606 & 607**
2) For class codes please see previous Blogs, Remind, Skedula, or class Dojo post.
3) Please read 5 important reminders!!
1. Many students are forgetting to show their work, which is resulting to you receiving half credit!! Also, follow the video to complete the questions on Resting HR, Max HR, HR Range, and Target Heart Rate Range (low and upper limit)!! These things are all different. You must know how to properly check your Resting HR to complete all assignments. (See first video)
2. Remember once your start the workout you must complete itand answer all questions. You can take as many breaks needed but can’t finish later once started! This will result in an automatic "0"
3. I will be putting 3rdmaking period grades in today. Many, Many, and Many of you are missing last weeks PE AND HEALTH ASSIGNMENTS. You should double check. These assignments wont be accepted after Thursday @ 11:59 pm. If you are unsure please check your PupilPath grades before reaching out. Some of you had multiple accounts but your grade was transferred before it was deleted.
4. NO NAME, NO CREDIT..I still have students who numerous accounts or accounts attached to no name. You can’t receive credit if I don’t know who you are. If you forget your password please let me know or you can reset it when you’re logging in.
5. Be Sure to Check Edpuzzle daily. I leave comments for those of you confused and are leaving the questions unanswered. (Example. Idk or I don’t understand) you must read the comments and submit the answer. I have also reset some of your answers for the first video. Please check!! This is my way of making sure you are checking your Resting HR correctly!!
Students will:
• Express positive feelings about themselves; build self-esteem
• Strengthen their own identity
• Appreciate positive traits in others.
• Identify personality traits that makes them special.
Spanish(606, 607, 610) Ms.Triana
Buenos dias estudiantes,
Work is assigned on study.com
Many of you have incomplete assignments.
Grades will be based on all assignments due within the third marking period.
This includes:
Spanish(606, 607, 610) Ms.Triana
Buenos dias estudiantes,
Work is assigned on study.com
Many of you have incomplete assignments.
Grades will be based on all assignments due within the third marking period.
This includes:
- La Familia Photo project
- All assessments within the third marking period
- Study.com assignments
- Pupil path assignments
Responses Due Friday, April 10th @11:59Reminder: for this week's assignment, you must answer all 5 response questions for each video.
Submit to BBartion@schools.nyc.gov
Subject: Your name: Choral Evaluations
606 Art Literacy
Due Monday, April 13th @11:59 PMIt is now time to sing! You each should be familiar with your selected song and its structure. Using a video recording platform of your choice (phone camera, video camera, TikTok, Instagram) record yourself performing the first half of your song. your recording should have your singing at least to the second verse and chorus.
Grab your group members (family), microphone (remote, brush, comb, spoon), and your camera man (yourself), and get to recording your first music video.
Submit to BBartion@schools.nyc.gov
Subject: Your name: Choral Evaluations
Watch & Follow:
* Before you watch and follow the video, make note of how you feel in the tracker below. (copy and paste the tracker into a document to edit.)
*Make note of how you feel after in the tracker below
Yoga Class Daily Tracker
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
How I feel before…
(Notice your mood, thoughts and feelings. How do you feel both physically
and mentally before beginning? Make note of your noticing.)
How I feel after…
(Notice your mood, thoughts and feelings. How do you feel both physically
and mentally after completing the class? Make note of your noticing.)
Complete tracker due Tuesday, April 14th
Any questions? Email abartonrichardson@schools.nyc.gov
Thank you to those students that have submitted assignments. I am viewing and grading. Your grades will be viewable on Pupil Path.
Art Literacy 607
Zoom Meeting!
Assata Barton is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Art Literacy 607
Time: Apr 9, 2020 1:40 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Time: Apr 9, 2020 1:40 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 715 957 971
Password: 9Pyf3C
Password: 9Pyf3C